Courgettes with Sun-dried Tomatoes


Staff member
Sun-dried tomatoes have a concentrated, sweet flavour that goes well with courgettes.

10 sun-dried tomatoes, dry or preserved in oil and drained
175 ml/6 fl oz//4 cup warm water
75 ml/5 tbsp olive oil I large onion, finely sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 kg/2 1/4 lb courgettes, cut into thin strips salt and freshly ground black pepper
Serves 6
Slice the sun-dried tomatoes into thin strips. Place in a bowl with the warm water. Allow to stand for 20 minutes.
In a large frying pan or saucepan, heat the oil and stir in the onion. Cook over low to moderate heat until the onion softens but does not brown.
Stir in the garlic and courgette strips. Cook for about 5 minutes, continuing to stir the mixture.
Stir in the tomatoes and their soaking liquid. Season with salt and pepper. Raise the heat slightly and cook until the courgettes are just tender. Adjust seasoning and serve hot or cold.