Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
800g Pork mince
200g Beef mince
2-3 medium sized potatoes, grated
1 roasted capsicum, chopped finely (you may buy the jarred kind)
5-6 garlic cloves, chopped roughly
300g parmesan, grated
large handful of parsley, chopped fairly finely
small handful of basil, chopped fairly finely
small handful of oregano, chopped finely
2 eggs
Salt and Pepper for seasoning
2-3 large bottles of passata (plain tomato pasta sauce)

1)Mix all ingredients (except the Passata) together really well in a large bowl!
2)Quickly seal all the meatballs in a pan (optional, but I find this helps them to keep their shape, they don't have to cook right through)
3)Pour the bottles of passata into a large pot
4)add all the meat balls into the pot and cook for at least an hour (the longer the better, the sauce with thicken!)
5) Serve with rice!

you can serve this dish with a rice/pasta combination:
Vermicilli pasta (angel hair) (if you are using 2 cups of rice, then use 1/2 - 1 cup of pasta, depending on your likes)

heat butter in a pan and add pasta, cook until slightly browned, add rice and coat with the butter. Use absorbing method to cook the rice. For me personally this means the water is second knuckle deep from the top of the rice.

Serve hot and enjoy!


If you do not like pork mince you can of course use only beef or for another variation, use pork and veal mince in equal quantity!

These are great as simple rissoles as well!