
  1. M

    What reasons besides pregnancy and stress could cause one's period to be constantly very late?

    This is the 3rd time since July of last year that my period has been over a month late? I keep taking pregnancy tests but they're all negative. What else could be causing such a late period?
  2. Maryjane

    What are the best vitamins and herbal supplements for building muscles and physical strength?

    I know these days with the busiest of schedules it is very difficult to work up to anything greater than a meager muscle. With that said not taking vitamins and herbs can be considered a fight against the workout. With the helping hand of vitamins and herbs what are the best to take for building...
  3. E

    A week at the gym...

    A WOMAN'S WEEK AT THE GYM If you read this without laughing out loud, there is something wrong with you. This is dedicated to everyone who ever attempted to get into a...
  4. E


    2 oz. White Grape Juice 2 oz. Light Cream 3/4oz. Lemon Juice 1 tbsp. Sugar 1 Egg Yolk n/a Soda Water Shake well the ingredients, except soda water, together firmly, with ice cubes, in the shaker and strain into the highball...