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    4 cl Absolut Mandarin 2 cl Passoa Fill with Orange Juice Mix Absolut Mandarin with Passoa in a highball glass. Put ice in the glass and fill it up with orange juice
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    New madonna

    1 oz. Sloe Gin n/a Lemonade n/a Cherry Brandy Fill up with Lemonade.
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    Neon lizard

    1.0 oz Blue Curacao 1.0 oz Midori Melon Liqueur Fill 7-UP Fill rocks glass with ice. Add 1 oz. of blue Curacao, and 1 oz. of Midori (melon liquor). Fill with 7-up or sprite.
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    Ne zatte mettes

    6.75 oz. Champagne 1.7 oz. Bols Blue do the bols blue in a glass and fill it with champagne
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    Nazi cola

    1 oz. Jagermeister 1 oz. Rumplemintz fill Coca Cola Combine Jagermeister and Rumplemintz over ice in glass. Fill to top with Cola.
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    Natalie (champagne)

    n/a Champagne 0.2 oz. Extra Dry Gin 0.2 oz. Goldschlager Fill up with Champagne.
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    1.0 oz. Campari 1.0 fill with Club Soda 1/2 oz. Vermouth 1/4 oz. Vermouth 1.0 oz. Vodka Fill glass with ice, then add first four ingredients and stir well. Fill with club soda.
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    Naked surfer

    1/2 Ice 1/2 glass Vodka 1 jigger Grenadine Fill with Orange Juice Fill beer mug with ice. Then pour in vodka until it is half-filled. Add approximately a shot of grenadine. Then fill glass with orange juice and stir.
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    1 oz. Ouzo 1/2 oz. Drambuie fill Pepsi 1 oz ouzo 1/2 oz drambuie in an old fashion glass fill with Pepsi cola add ice if desired
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    1 1/4 oz. Smirnoff Vodka fill Ginger Beer 1 squirt Lime Pour 1 1/4 ounce of Smirnoff Vodka in glass, fill with ginger beer, add ice and squeeze lime.
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    Mountain jack

    1 oz. Jack Daniels fill With Mountain Dew Put one shot of jack Daniels into a glass with ice and fill with mountain dew so you can get trashed by a few of a these tasty drinks
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    Mounds #2

    1 oz. Malibu Rum 3/4 oz Cream de Cacao Fill with Cream 1/2 Ice Fill glass with ice add rum add creme de cacao fill with cream
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    Mounds #1

    1 oz. Malibu Coconut Rum 3/4 oz. Dark Creme de Cacao fill Cream Fill glass with ice add rum add creme de cacao fill with cream
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    Morning kiss

    fill With Champagne 1 oz. Orange Juice 3/4 oz. Brandy 3/4 oz. Gin Shake all ingredients (except champagne) with cracked ice and pour into a chilled wine glass. Fill with champagne and stir gently.
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    Morning champagne

    n/a Champagne 3/4 oz. Apricot Brandy Fill up with Champagne.
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    More sunshine

    0.67oz. Creme de Cassis 2/3 oz. Gin 1.0 fill Orange Juice Mix and enjoy.
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    Moon navel

    1.5 oz. Vodka 1 oz. Peach Schnapps 3 tsp. Tang Add ingredients. Fill glass with water. Serve chilled.
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    1 handful Strawberries 6 cl Milk 6 cl Orange Juice 4 cl Tequila Fill up with Soda Water Mash the strawberries, fill up with milk, orange juice and tequila. Mix it and fill up with the soda and some ice, decorate with a strawberry.
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    Mona lisa

    1 oz. Cream 2 oz Amaretto fill Pineapple Juice ice \ rocks
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    Mojito highball

    2 oz. Rum 1 tsp. Sugar 1/2 Lime n/a Soda Water Stir in a highball glass and fill with soda. Garnish with a lime slice.