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    Some moth cocktail

    1 oz. Dry Vermouth 2 oz. Gin Use Plymouth Gin
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    Sombrero cooler

    3 oz. Vodka 2 oz. Sloe Gin 3 oz. Rum Serve over ice
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    Snot ball

    1.0 Part Blue Curacao 1.0 Part Gin 4.0 Part Orange Juice Mix Blue Curacao and Gin in a shaker. Add to a tall tumbler and top up with orange juice.
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    1/2 cup Orange Juice 1 oz Sloe Gin 1 oz Gin 1/2 oz Orange Liqueur Shake with ice and strain over fresh ice
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    Snake bite (alternative version)

    1/3 oz. Lemon 1 oz. Extra Dry Gin 0.68 oz. Bols Red Orange pour gin, red orange over ice in old fashioned glass add a dash of angostura on top lemon slice
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    Smokie martini no 2

    1/4 oz. Dry Vermouth 1 oz. Sloe Gin 2 oz. Gin Stir with ice and strain recipe with 3 drops of Orange Bitters. '
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    Smart christine #1

    1 oz. Sloe Gin 2 - 4 oz Orange Juice Pour sloe gin into a highball glass filled with ice. Fill with orange juice, stir well, and serve.
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    Slow painful movement

    1 1/2 oz. Sloe Gin 1 1/2 oz. Cinnamon Schnapps 1 squirt Chocolate Syrup Shake the gin and the schnapps together in ice. Pour into glass Dribble the chocolate syrup in a circle on the bottom of the glass. (do not mix)
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    Slow gin fizz

    1 oz. Sloe Gin n/a Sprite 1/2 Sweet & Sour Mix ice (shake) \ rocks
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    Slow comfort screw

    1 oz. Southern Comfort fill Orange Juice 1 oz. Sloe Gin ice \ rocks
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    Sloe gin sin

    1 oz Sloe Gin 1/2 cup Soda Water 1 1/2 oz Sweet & Sour Mix 1 oz Orange Liqueur Build (Pour) & stir
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    Sloe gin ricky

    1 oz. Lime Juice 2 oz. Sloe Gin 2 oz. Mineral Water Combine ingredients and pour into glass. Enjoy.
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    Sloe gin martini

    1 oz. Dry Vermouth 3 oz. Sloe Gin Shake with ice and strain into a martini glass.
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    Sloe gin flip

    1 tbs.. Sloe Gin 2 tsp. Light Cream 1 tsp. Sugar Powdered 1 Whole Egg dash Nutmeg Shake all ingredients (except nutmeg) with ice and strain into a whiskey sour glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve.
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    Sloe gin fizz #2

    1 1/2 oz Sloe Gin (DeKuyper) 1 tsp Lemon Juice cubes Ice Fill with Soda Water Pour sloe gin and lemon juice over ice in glass. Fill with soda. Garnish with cucumber stick or lemon peel.
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    Sloe gin cocktail (french)

    2/3 oz Dry Vermouth 2/3 oz Sweet Vermouth 1 1/2 oz Sloe Gin Shake with ice and strain into a chilled glass
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    Sloe gin cocktail (classic recipe )

    0.125 oz. Dry Vermouth 2 oz. Sloe Gin Stir with Ice, then strain into glass.
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    Sloe gin cocktail

    2 oz. Sloe Gin 1/4 tsp. Dry Vermouth 1 dash Bitters Orange Stir all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
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    Sloe advance

    1 oz Sloe Gin 2 oz Gin dash Peychaud Bitters 1/2 oz Bols Lychee Shake with ice and strain into a chilled glass
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    Silver whisper

    1 oz Grapefruit Juice 1/2 oz Lime Juice 1/2 oz Sloe Gin 1 oz Gin splash Blackberry Schnapps splash Sugar Syrup Shake with ice