Am I OCD? Germ Question.?


New member
I wash my hands whenever I shake hands or before eating. I don't eat food people make because I see that they are not conscious of germs. I did get a 4.0 in my Safety & Sanitation class but already had these problems and some of the info learned might have made me a freak? Is this normal?
I am sort of the same way. Especially around cold and flu season. I dont think it really is a problem I just think that you are being cautious and that is not a problem.
Absolutely not. I have the same 'issue'. You don' thave a problem just because you are clean. Well done, keep it up.
You're fine. I'm a major germ freak. I carry hand sanitizer with me every where so that after i wash my hands, I can sanitize. I won't touch door knobs or windows or railings. I disinfect my keyboard, door handles and knobs, light switches, and steering wheel daily because I'm afraid of my OWN germs :p