At what age would you say clinics should stop providing fertility treatment to women?


New member
At what age would you say clinics should stop providing fertility treatment to women? and is there a double standard that women should stop having children in their mid-thirties, but no limit exists for men becoming fathers? if yes why?
IMO if you are on welfare or don't have the money or means to take care of your children you have already, then you should be denied (prime example is octomom).If you can adequately care for the child and are not on welfare, and you are healthy, age should be irrelevant. It used to be that women got pregnant at an older age anyway, instead of at 13 nowadays.
I don't think there should be any age limit if they are paying for it. Someone who wants a baby bad enough to go through all those costly IVF procedures is probably going to make a better parent than some young girl who got knocked up by accident and can't even provide for the child without welfare or financial aid from someone. Don't get me wrong though, they should not dole out fertility drugs to just any idiot like the octo-mom.