does a 3 yr old boy in potty training takes poop out of his pants and smears it on the wall means sexual abuse

Darline Frieze

New member
our 3 year old grandson is in potty training and he has his good days and his bad days. he is a normal child with a lot of spunk and is not sick. he pooped his pants and then preceded to smear it on the cabinets which he doesn't do. but he has taken his poop out before and put it in the window sill. our daughter in law is fuastrated with his potty training and is in an uproar now saying that he has been sexual abused or he would not do these things. mind you he has only been in training and few months and mom is not constent on the training
Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!If MOM is not consistent, he's going to be angry and confused.This is what kids will do. It's normal to react in this way.It's mom who needs to be trained. Be consistent, and the problem with go away on it's own in time.:)
that is ridiculous, he hasn't been sexualy abused. its strange yes, but he will grow out of it very quickly if disciplined correctly
Not sure about sexual abuse but it's got to mean something. I would say that is NOT normal. She needs to talk with the pediatrician!
The problem is that mom is not constant on the training. Unless she has been abusing him, that would be the only way she would "know" that it is happening.
i do not think so, he probably just likes to smear poop on stuff. like you know how kids are, just like to do new things to see if it is fun and stuff. like kids playing with mud and paint hence "wet painty hand" prints on paper
no way! this is just a kid thing. consistency and structure is what is needed for potty training. maybe if you can help his mom out with the potty training the kid and mom won't be so frustrated.
my niece did the same thing ewww right? i know in her case she wasnt sexually abused, however she was very neglected. there maybe some mental abuse going on there .. good luck
he probably likes to see the adults get mad and is just being a brat. i used to do things like that whan i was littse for that reason
lol umm no hes not been sexual abused,maybe confused on hygiene but hey he's 3 i did the same thing cept i was a Picasso with it freaked my parents out. dunno, i doubt any sexual abuse is involved, but more likely curiosity
I have a 2 year old (he is potty trained & has never done that before), but I dont think that him doing anything like that has anything to do with him have been sexualy abused...just give him time and he will get the "potty" thing down. Good Luck!