How to help severe cramps after miscarriage?


New member
My g/f recently had a miscarriage, and has started having SEVERE cramps tonight. The doctor said this could last up to six weeks, but I can't stand her being in so much pain. She has already taken Ibuprofen, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything.. I was wondering if this is because of the clots still being there, and any remedies people may know to ease her cramps from this?


New member
You should have her take nice warm baths once a day and buy her heat pads. The heat definitely calms the cramping down and tell her not to drink anything super cold. Room temperature water is good because it will not cramp up her uterus.


New member
I had a miscarriage in January, and my cramps were horrible, I'd curl up in a ball and it didn't seem to help at all, my aunt is an OB/GYN and so she helped me a lot, she told me that the more active i am the more the cramps will be and the bleeding will last. But what helped some for me was take a luke warm bath. I'm soo sorry about the miscarriage, i know how horrible it is.I hope your girlfriend's cramps decrease soon.


New member
During my last miscarriage last summer the cramps were absolutely unbearable. The cramps are caused by her body trying to expel the pregnancy tissue. My doctor gave me a week pain killer to help with the pain because I told him how bad it was. I think he ended up giving me hydrocodone? Tell her to ask, I'm sure they will be sympathetic. Best wishes to both of you


New member
My last miscarriage I cramped severely for 2 weeks. I couldn't stand for more then 30 minutes at a time. I used a heating pad and kept my feet raised, and it helped a lot. I'm sorry about your loss.