Crystal D

New member
I'm disabled by arthritis, so my work around the place is harder than when I lived alone younger. I worked at least 45 hrs. a week back then and was a better housekeeper and shopper than now. Things keep getting tougher. Any household tips or shortcuts will be appreciated. I'm asking you guys, too, as I am up against it all alone now. I was in a little apartment, made more sense...until I realized how clostrophobic I am. Now, I am renting a house with a yard, flower beds, etc. In city limits, not in the city like that apartment. I have a little 3 year old grandson with me some. I want to show him how to grow a little vegetable garden, but can I without a tiller? Surely a few little things. Suggestions?
try square foot gardening or container gardening. Here are low manitenance ideas:1. My cherry tomatoes are in hanging baskets, I can easily pick them or turn the basket so each side gets plenty of sun.2. My strawberries are in a pyramid in three tiers - bottom box is 5' x 5' (i used fence boards about 6 inches wide, used ones) the next box is 5' x 3' and sits on bottom box. the last level is 5' x 1' You should have five planting areas and you can fit about 8 plants in each area.My herbs are mixed in pots, a few old pitchers with gravel in the bottom.Good luck!
First I understand being disabled at 47, so was I. Yes it is hard to get a new mind set on life afterwards. I have slowly learned to slow down, Make smaller garden raised beds. Some Weeds are actually pretty when in bloom. Just remember to pull them before they go to seed. Dandilions is good in salads. he heStart out by getting the largest pots that u can find to plant in. Fill the pots about 3/4 the way up with packing peanuts as the plants only need about 8 inches of soil to grow anyway. This makes the pots easier to move around. It is ok not doing everything in one day, it will be there for u tomorrow so do not dwell on not being able to do what u use to do. Grow ur cuckumbers on trelleses that way u do not have to bend over to pick them and it takes less space to grow them and gives u more shaded areas to grow things like lettus and radishes.Do not hesitate to ask others for help. it is not a sin not being able to do things anymore, an u will be surprised the support that u will get from others.Life does not end with disabilities, it just slows down so u have more time to stop and enjoy nature and smell the roses.
for arthritis one table spoon of apple cider vinigar in a small glass of water sip with meals i do this and it realy helps for me 47 is a distant menory
First I was going to say just buy your veggies at the store,but that would be mean.Next I was going to say give the 3yo a shovel and let him go to town,kids are loaded with energy.Seriously though,don't you have any sons or daughters to help?Or maybe you could ask for help at your local church.Not a church goer?Hire a local teen to help out.It's honest work and the kid could probably use the few bucks.Hope you got a laugh,and I hope this helps.