Is there anywhere I can get a good las vegas [flight+hotel] vacation package other than expedia?


New member
Hi! for spring break i'm flying to Las vegas from detroit, I'm staying at treasure island for 4 nights. I've found a fairly good deal at expedia for $545 but i've been scouring the interwebz for a better deal. Can any website really triumph expedia??
Find out what your breakdown is for price per item (flight, hotel) Make sure Expedia is quoting you a price with taxes. Next, call the airline and hotel to see if they can beat the Expedia price. The prices quoted by the airline and hotel will not include tax, so ask for the tax rate and any additional fees. Websites won't always trump Expedia, but many hotel chains will. However, I work in the hotel industry and it tends to be that 3rd party sites (travelocity, expedia, etc.) have a bad reputation for cranky guests and issues with reservations. Most of those sites will put you in the wrong room type and if you don't check with your hotel before arrival you risk getting stuck in a king when you needed a double or smoking when you wanted non. Being exceptionally nice and asking for an upgrade works from time to time, but it is far less likely if you booked through a third party website.