Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4 Turkey Breast Steaks

3 Tablespoons Fresh Green Pesto

1 Small Carton Creme Fraiche

1 Baguette

4 Cherry Tomatoes, Sliced

4 Lettuces Leafs


Serving Size 4

395 Calories Per Serving

17 Grams Of Fat

Cooking Directions:

In a large skillet or griddle, heat up 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil. Season the turkey steaks with salt and pepper and place them in the hot oil for 8-10 minutes or until they are charred and dark brown. In a small dish combine the pesto with the creme fraiche and season with little seasoning salt. Split the baguette into 4 cubes and cut in half lengthwise. Brush each piece with the remaining oil. Toast bread oil side down until golden brown. To assemble these great little sandwiches spread a layer of pesto cream on 4 baguette halves. Top with tomato, turkey and a few lettuce leafs and an additional dollop of pesto cream. Top with bread and Serve.