Men: Is it possible for your fertility to be reduced if you use a computer on your lap?


New member
My brother wants to know if using his laptop on his lap can reduce his fertility. I'm concerned because it seems like a situation where his chestnuts would be roasting over an open fire, if you know what I mean. His computer doesn't have heat reduction manufacturing (design failure). My laptop doesn't get nearly as warm...I should let my bro know about the cell phone. Thanks.
I doubt it. If you think about it, people living in really hot areas, like on the equator, couldn't have kids. Your laptop shouldn't get more hot than that.
I heard this - apparently it's something to do with radiation? Well I only over heard some people talking about it but there you go. Maybe Google it?
In the short term high heat will kill sperm cells. If you're using a 3G card in you're computer the high frequency microwaves used in cell signals can, potentially, cause permanent damage. Don't keep your cell phone in your pocket either it might cause testicular cancer though evidence is sketchy at best.
yes It's possible and dangerous. Because when the laptop on ur lap u r trapping the holes under the laptop that radiate the heat. and go directly to the testicles. since the testicles can't get lower away from heat. it will be trapped in an oven. Any heat more than 37 for the testicles will reduce the fertility. it has to be cooler than the body's temperature. So I personally advise ur brother to try to them cool. and away from the heat.
There is no proof whatsoever that cellphones cause cancer.Get your brother a laptop desk to insulate his boys from the heat of the computer. Also, having the heat directly on your lap for a long period of time can cause the capillaries in your legs to expand, which can be painful.
In fact, it will but on the other hand it'll increase his chances of getting laid because he won't experience premature ejaculation due to the lack of fertilization.