What are some good ten minute tips on how to clean something small in the household?

I guess it would depend on what you are cleaning. If countertops, tile floors, baseboards use fabuloso it smells great and does a good job.
Get off your but and go do it. My wife is constantly trying to come up with new/improved ways to clean the house. She wastes more time thinking about cleaning than cleaning. Think about the Nike commercials.... JUST DO IT.Before I was married and got TIVO I could keep my house clean by cleaning on commercial breaks only. Vacuum a room on each break. Clean a toilet on a break. Swap a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer on a break.
In ten minutes you can accomplish any of these household tasks:Empty the dishwasherSet dishes to soak in hot soapy waterEmpty the fridge of unwanted leftovers, etc ( if it's trash collection day )Clean the microwave by boiling a cup of water. Let the steam fill the nuker to loosen dried on spills and then wipe it down with a paper towel.Turn cushions on sofa and chairs to help them wear evenly.Set the table for the next meal.Gather meal ingredients for the next day.Wipe down doorknobs with a cleaning wipe or spray cleaner and a towel.Empty wastebaskets.Wipe down the mirror in the bath and swish out the toilet bowl.Put a load of laundry in the wash.Fill a sink with Woolite and put your lingerie to soak.If you time your household cleaning activities it takes ess time than you think. I used to dread cleaning my cat's litter box. One day I set a cup of water in the microwave for tea and went to do the litterbox. I was done with it before the water was ready for tea. It really doesn't take alot of time to keep up with things. It's when we let it get away from us that it takes time.
Here's a good tip. You know the scum build up around the corners of the tub? Place paper towels all around the edge of the bathtub then soak them with bleach and they disappear!
buy a spray bottle and put some all purpose cleaner in it and dilute with water, your all ready to do some cleaning, you can use this for counter tops, toilet seats, spots on the walls etc
I like to have a daily cleaning routine... For example: First thing in the morning I wipe down the bathroom surfaces(countertops,sinks,toilets) with anti-bacterial wipes lysol, clorox and even some generic comp. make them.. They are very handy and GREAT stashed under every sink.. I give the mirror a wipe with Windex and then 2-3x per week I'll give the toilet a through wipe down and 1x a week I'll deep clean the tub/tile surround... I'll also sweep/mop the floor and wash all the towels/rugs...*My dirty clothes hamper is in the bathroom so I take that downstairs sort/start a load of laundry*It's good to have more than one set of bathroom rugs/guest towels... So, it takes me 5-10 min daily/ 30 min weekly to clean 1 1/2 bathrooms....In the kitchen: I use antibacterial wipes and wipe down the countertops/appliances. I unload/load the dishwasher while the kids are eating breakfast... I also, wipe down the children's highchairs when they are finished eating....I sweep EVERYDAY and 2-3x a week I mop.... I have toddlers and they get messy !Also, once a week the day BEFORE trash day I go through the fridge and get rid of anything that's old..Daily time 15-30 minLivingroom/Diningroom- Vacuum EVERYDAY... It keeps the dust/dirt to a min. I dust 2x a week and do the glass as well ! I also vacuum the furnature 1x a week...Bedrooms... Get bed linens changed once a week... I dust 2x a week.... Make bed daily AND put laundry away 2x-3x a week ! Vacuum EVERYDAY.... 15-30 min daily... Familyroom (basement) once a week I'll sort through the toys and look for anything broken or things they outgrow... I vacuum the furnature and floors ... Mop once a week... So, if you have a daily routine then the house stays tidy/neat w/o too much hassle... I have two toddlers/husband and a large breed dog.. I also work in the evenings so if I can do it anyone can do it.. We also live in a 1,700 sq. ft. home... ! * I also have a detailed "spring cleaning list" on the computer I print it out and every weekend go through at least 1 room and clean it from TOP - BOTTOM !*If I'm having company it takes roughly 2 hours TOPS for me to clean my ENTIRE house from TOP-BOTTOM ! So, good luck...