what is the home tip for cleaning tarnished silver?


New member
I know there is a handy household tip for cleaning tarnished silver, but I can't remember what it is! Anybody??
This procedure to clean silver at home lends itself to the removal of tarnish from flatware or holloware. In an aluminum pot or a pot lined with aluminum foil, mix a dilute solution of equal parts of baking soda, salt, and liquid soap. A quarter cup of each to a gallon of water would be a typical mixture. Set the sterling into the pot, bring the mix to a boil and allow to stand for a few minutes. Oxides are transferred to the aluminum. Rinse in water and wash before using.
i have heard of using toothpaste and spreading it on and then rub it out with a soft cloth. i have heard of using cigarette ashes and a little water, make a paste with an old tooth brush and then wipe off.