Currently I am setting up shop for the 2012 crisis in my basement...what else can I do to prepare?


New member
I have already...1. Put 15 water jugs down in the basement.2. I have 5 different safety kits that all include flashlights, emergency radios, batteries, and powedered food.3. I have a 3 week supply of ramen, mac n cheese and daily vitamins.4. I put jackets, safety goggles, blankets, and a hard hat.5. I sealed up the basement so nothing gets in and nothing gets out...What else can I do to prepare?!?!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, I seriously doubt anything's actually gonna happen and the stuff that's supposed to happen can't be protected by a basement. Just chillax!
You should buy that book called "Zombie Survival Guide". It actually exists. You never know when a zombie apocalypse may occur...!!
wow, i'm sincerely impressed.i dont know ANYONE who can live on only 5 jugs of water & three weeks of ramen.If i was to live the rest of my life in a basement, I think I would choose more a healthful food & not just pack enough for 3 weeks. but hey! that's me.& i'm sure those emergency radios will really help you, too.what did you seal your basement with, ducktape?you're a joke.seriously.
Good start, but you have a lot more to do! Nobody really knows what is going to happen during the 2012 crisis, so you need to be prepared for a variety of things:1 - (ZOMBIES). Go to the butcher/your grandma's house and get LOTS of canned brains. Dig a tunnel and place them at the exit. If zombies were to get into your basement, they would be attracted to the brains, and while they stand in the tunnel, you should fire your flamethrower (which I presume you have) through the tunnel, incinerating them. Rinse and repeat for each wave of zombies.2 - (NATURAL DISASTERS). Pad the walls of your basement and reinforce the roof to protect against earthquakes. Buy lots of scuba gear and oxygen tanks in case of flooding/tsunamis. If tornado's are present, make sure you have a bathtub and mattress to hide under, as this always seems to protect you against the tornado's.3 - (ALIEN INVASION). Securely gaffer tape your anus to prevent anal probing. Make sure Dakota Fanning isn't present as her screams will alert the aliens. Also buy cat food, as aliens seem to enjoy it.4 - (SPACE DISASTER). This includes meteor showers, implosion of the sun, asteroid collision and other space related disasters. To protect yourself against meteor and asteroid collision, gather a team of movie stars who are loved by all, send them off on a rocket ship to risk their lives for humanity, before they shoot down the large space rock, make sure one of the crew says an inspirational monologue about how they will risk their own life to save everyone else. Then send him to the outside of the spaceship where he has better aim of the laser and just before he shoots it, watch the spaceship in slow motion and then let him shoot and save the earth, while unfortunately dying in the process. Let the president give a heartwarming speech and then go back to your basement. If the sun is about to implode, buy lots of UV lights to grow plants and buy a central heating system for your basement and DON'T opt for the solar powered option.5 - (RELEASE OF NORBIT 2). You're screwed if this is the 2012 disaster. No point even preparing for the end, it's going to be slow and painful.