I believe i have a mental illness, or is this normal teenage problems? please help?


New member
Hello yahoo people...My name is jasmin, im 16 years old. I believe i have some mental illness.. Ive always had been depressed since i was a little girl. Depression is comes and goes with me... or at least i think it does.. I am extremely anti social, I was switch out of high school to attend home studies. I have bad anxiety's, i sweat Allot on my face,it turns red, and i feel like something is sitting on my chest... I would walk into a classroom and I would feel my face rush with blood and i would sweat.I also have some angry issues... I can go from being nice to berserk. Ive lashed out on students on school (cause they are really annoying) My sisters have always make fun of me, saying im crazy or i have loose screw .. They really hurt my feelings, I have very low self esteemWhen i feel like im going crazy or when im real angry, I cant think and my mind goes blank. I hate being like this. Ive told my mother to take me to go see a physiologist but my family is stuggling just for food right now. There have been a couple of times, where the safety of my older brother has been danger .. My brother no longer lives with my family, but he also has angry issues. He has punched me in the face and choked me many times so im not only one who has issues.. I belive my whole family has issues... Do you think i have some mental illness or is this just normal teenage problems( family are dysfunctional in their own way.)Edit: (every family is disfuctional in their own way)dysfunctional* lol


New member
I don't mean this to be a slap in the face but you have very low self esteem for such a young girl. Talk to your counselor at your school she could help you find a physicist for free