Is it possible to have Autism and not be diagnosed until adulthood?


New member
I am 23 years old and I have been reading alot about autism. Alot of symptoms fit me though I have a normal life. Is it possible to have an undiagnosed mild form?


New member
Yes but unlikely as the symptoms are obvious. Well, when I say obvious people with aspergis(the most common form of autism) look no different to normal people, but their behaviour is vastly differnt. So, if you saw them, you wouldn't know, so couldn't diagnose them, but if you communicated with them you could probably tell.If your worried see your doctor or a psychologist, it can't hurt to try now can it.If you do find out you have it, don't worry, my cousin has it and he got treatment for it, through special one-on-one communication, but now you can't tell the difference between him and a normal unnafected person.


New member
It's really difficult to have autism and not have it diagnosed till adulthood. If you look at the signs and symptoms, even the mildest forms are pretty much a red light and siren to parents that something is wrong.


New member
Of course, you could have Aspergers Disorder, which is a much milder form in the Autism spectrum of disorders. I know a computer programmer that has it. He's super smart, very funny, a talented artist and musician, but he has his issues. Understanding what people say is hard for him. He's always trying to figure out what they mean rather than listening to their words, and he never thinks anyone is meaning the words they say. It's that whole literal and figurative thing for him. He has a hard time following directions - if I say look up to your left it takes a long time to sink in then act on it. He doesn't make eye contact like other people do, it's just subtle things that I notice, but he probably has more things that I've never noticed in my 11 years of being his friend. He is married and has a gorgeous son. He's a college graduate and has done quite well in his career, too.Go read this and see if it gives you any more insight of luck to you!


New member
Absolutely. This is because there is an "autism spectrum," with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Movies such as "Rain Man" with Dustin Hoffman portrayed a high-functioning, but relatively classic case of autism (in other words, NOT mild). Many people with mild symptoms are not diagnosed until later in life. The most important thing for you is to get tested by a qualified professional. If you live in the state of California, you can go to your local Regional Center (look them up online or in the phone book) and get a free assessment, even if you are an adult. You can also look up organizations such as Cure Autism Now to obtain more information.