Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

Start with good clean water. Our tap water from the town is like scooping from an old aquarium, so, I filter for sediment, then a charcoal filter for taste. Only then is it fit for good bourbon. The mint is fresh picked. More than a half hour it looses is flavor and fine scent. Get a mug capable of holding 16 oz. That is 16 ounces from the good old U S of A. No metrics here. A teaspoon of sugar, 4 medium or 5 small mint leaves, a tablespoon of water in the mug and mix. Fill with crushed ice. Now pour on good bourbon. I use Wild Turkey 101, but some others will do. Stir to mix in the mint flavor and frost the mug. Sip and watch the thermometer on the smoker. It is a good idea to keep a small ice bucket handy if you have to add more on a hot day.
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