Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
8 Onions, Thinly Sliced
1 gallon Zucchini, Sliced
3 Green Peppers, Finely Chopped
½ cup Salt
5 cup Cider Vinegar
5 cup Sugar
1½ teaspoon Turmeric
2 tablespoon Mustard, Seeds
2 teaspoon Celery, Seeds
1 stick Cinnamon, Broken Into Pieces

In a large crock, layer the vegetables and salt. Weight it down and let stand in refrigerator 6 hours. Drain the vegetables, rinse them and drain again. Put the remaining ingredients in a large kettle and bring to a boil. Simmer10 mins, then add the vegetables and remove from heat immediately. Turn into hot, sterilized jars and seal. Process 5 mins.