Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Over here they call it Ahi (yellow fin tuna). I suggest just grilling a couple filets about 8 to 10 oz. each. The meat is like steak. Make up a sauce of about 1/4 cup Oyster sauce 1/4 cup shoyu 1 tsp. sugar or 1 tbs. honey heat to blend don't boil. Baste it on the filets as they cook and use the balance as a topping sauce when done. You might also try to slice a little of it to pieces the size of poker chips. 1/4 inch thick and eat it raw on a little shredded cabbage with a dipping sauce of Chinese powdered mustard mixed with shoyu sauce. This is "sashimi", an excellent appetizer. Did you buy it or catch it. For grilling the fresher out of the ocean the better. With sashimi it is usually better to refrigerate overnight to firm up the flesh. If you caught it how big was it? About 18 years ago I helped bring in a 188 lb. Ahi in a 16 ft outboard. Had to stretch him across the stern from gunwale to gunwale and sit on him to hold him down until we got back in. Got him about 2/3 miles NW of Pearl Harbor. Ate it every way possible for 2 weeks. Opps, just remembered, also excellent baked in a dish with milk and butter and lay a strip of bacon on top add a little lemon pepper and dive in.
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