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2 butternut squashes
3 heads roasted garlic
2 Tbs. good parmesan
2 Tbs. olive oil

Cut up squash into 1-inch cubes, paring away skin first. Just use the necks of the squash, reserving the bowl-shaped part with the seeds for something else. (your choice, though I suggest maybe stuffing with grains and veggies)

Arrange the squash cubes, tightly packed, into a baking pan. Sprinkle the garlic cloves all over the squash as evenly as possible. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle the parmesan on top of that and bake at 350 degrees until squash is tender but not mooshy. Serve hot.

This dish is incredibly easy to make. The sweetness of the roasted garlic is a perfect compliment to the richness of butternut squash, and the parmesan adds just the right amount of saltiness for balance. You can also *boil* the garlic bulbs instead of roasting them, and leave out the olive oil if you want to reduce the fat. It works OK, too.