
Staff member

100 - 200g chocolate
1 pkg silken tofu ( blended to a cream)
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 cup almonds/ hazelnuts ( whole or pieces)

Put the maple syrup in a pan and bring to a boil. When boiling add the nuts and stir constantly
until it is almost dry ( ie the nuts are all sticking together and the syrup is not runny) empty out
onto some greaseproof paper and allow to cool.
Meanwhile melt the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water. DON'T allow the bowl to touch
the water. It should be just above it.
Blend the praline (nut mixture) into either a fine powder or a coarse mixture and stir into the
chocolate. Fold in the tofu. When it is all mixed take off the heat allow to cool. The cover and
place in the fridge until well chilled.
Work quickly and form into small balls. Roll in cocoa powder or grated chocolate or dip in
melted chocolate and allow to set. Eat in moderation, as they are incredibly rich!

If you don't like nuts or have an allergy they can be left out but add a tablespoon or two of sugar
or maple syrup to the tofu while blending it (taste as it may need more or less depending on the
brand of chocolate you use.
Either basic truffle mixture can be flavored with a tbsp of liqueur, or flavored syrups. Extra
nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruits diced up or rice crispies (for crunch!) can all be added to the basic
mixture. Experiment...

The basic mixture makes AMAZING chocolate spread or how about cutting out rectangles of
vegan puff pastry and spreading a layer of the truffle mixture onto it, fold it over (chocolate side
in!) and bake in the oven (follow temperature and times on the packet of pastry) and you have
vegan pain au chocolat !!