
Staff member
10 pounds one whole salmon, thawed
4 ounces butter or margarine, melted
1/2 cup lemon juice (4 oz)
Servings: 50
1. Thoroughly wash fish. Rub inside and outside of fish while running cool, clear water over. Place fish on 12x20-inch sheet pan that has been sprayed with vegetable spray or lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350°F for approximately 1 hour.

2. Remove from oven and skin fish. Cut skin behind head, down the length of back and halfway down across belly. Remove cut skin. Leave head, fins, and tail on.

3. Combine melted butter or margarine and lemon juice. Use to baste fish. Return fish to oven and bake approximately 1 hour or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork at thickest part and internal temperature reaches 145°F.

4. Remove fish from oven. Cool quickly (within 4 hours) to below 41°F. Fish should be cooked 1 day in advance to be served on cold buffet.

Yield: 1 Salmon

Thaw fish in refrigerator for 1-2 days.

1. Place fish on attractive tray.
2. Garnish with orange, lemon, and cucumber slices; carrot curls, ripe olives, and shredded cabbage. If mouth is large and open, a fluted orange can be inserted.
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