Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder

1 sweet potato
Some extra virgin olive oil
Some salt to taste

We do not really need many ingredients for this recipe. Just sweet potatoes, oil and some salt. We will use extra virgin olive oil. I do not think I have to tell you why.
Sweet potatoes are very common in the United States. In Spain are not used much, to tell the truth. And it is a pity, because sweet potatoes are very good vegetables.
Our recipe is very easy. We will peel the sweet potatoes first and then, using a mandoline, we will make thin slices. Then we will heat some extra virgin olive oil in a pan. The next thing is frying the potatoes in several batches. Make sure they are well done and add some salt to taste. Leave the chips on kitchen paper towel to get rid of the oil they might have. You can serve them with your favourite dishes, burgers, chicken