Faun (Hazelnut Ganache Chocolates)


Staff member
12 ounces Gianduja
13 ounces Hazelnut paste
3 pounds Bittersweet couverture, tempered for coating molds
Yield: 56 Candies
1. Melt the gianduja to 110°F (43°C).

2. Remove from heat and stir in the hazelnut paste. Let cool to 72°F (22°C).

3. Coat the molds using tempered bittersweet couverture chocolate and give the first cooling.

4. Fill the molds with the ganache to within 1/16 inch (2 mm) of the top. When ganache has set sufficiently, cover with tempered couverture to seal.

5. Chill the chocolates in a cool area until set then unmold.

Notes: Method: Molded
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