Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
6 garlic cloves
3 oz. lean ground pheasant meat
1 tsp. sage, chopped
1 oz. heavy cream
1 oz. breadcrumbs
6 pheasant breasts, trimmed
salt and pepper, to taste
1 oz. butter, melted
3 oz. Marsala

Rub garlic cloves with small amount of oil; roast at 375 degrees F until soft. Peel; place in blender or food processor. Add ground pheasant and sage; combine. Combine heavy cream and breadcrumbs; add. Process until smooth. Place about 1 oz. stuffing mixture between skin and flesh of each breast; spread skin to cover stuffing. Rub breasts with salt, pepper and butter; place in roasting pan. Roast at 350 degrees F until cooked through. Remove breasts from oven; reserve warm. Deglaze pan with Marsala; reserve.