Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Well not really, but you can probably fool your niece from Dubuque

2 Cups large, unpitted green or
2 Cayenne's or Chili de Arbol black olives, drained
1 Bay leaf
½ Cup olive brine
¼ Teaspoon Chili powder more or less
½ Cup extra-virgin olive oil according to your taste
½ Cup beer
½ Teaspoon cumin seeds, toasted and
¼ Cup white vinegar ground up
2 Garlic cloves minced

Place the olives in a bowl. Shake the rest of the ingredients together in a lidded jar. Pour the marinade over the olives. Let the mixture marinate for at least 2 days. (Longer if you have the patience to wait.) Stir occasionally. Just like guys with gray hair, these armadillo eggs get better with age.