Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 rabbit (cut into 2 to 3 inch pieces)
2 or more cloves of garlic (chopped)
White wine (a generous splash)
capers (fistfull or more)
1 table spoon chopped parsley

In a deep pan pour some olive oil, chopped garlic, and the rabbit. Then turn the heat on (this is called starting cooking 'a freddo')

Fry until the rabbit is browned, then add white wine and salt.

Lower the heat and cook with lid on until the rabbit is tender. (approx. 30 min depending on size of bunny)

At this point add the capers and chopped parsley, cook for a further 15 20 minutes, if the liquid evaporates before the rabbit is cooked you may add some water.

The end result is not a stew but a nice rich juice. Don't forget to stir regularly.

Eat with home made chips or boiled potatoes.