Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
4 whole Pie Shell -- thawed
2 3/4 lb. Pulled Pork
4 clove Potato -- boiled & diced
1 can Onion -- chopped
1/4 cup Rutabaga -- boiled & diced
1 whole Carrot
1/2 tbs. Sage
1/2 tbs. Thyme
salt pepper

Mix all ingredients and put 1/4 in each pie shell. Fold the pastry over the filling to make half-moon shaped pies. Seal the edges and cut a couple of small slits on the top. Bake on a cookie sheet at 375F for 30 to 35 minutes, then reduce heat to 350F and bake 15 more minutes. I just replaced the meat in the pasty recipe with pulled pork. It gave it a nice smokiness and with the BBQ sauce, it was great. I like flaky crusts and hate rolling pastry dough, so I use frozen pie shells. I get one pasty out of each shell. This makes 4 pasties. Serve with BBQ sauce and a Stroh's.
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