Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
2 cups long-grain rice

1 clove garlic, pressed or minced

1/2 onion, minced (optional)

1 tablespoon olive oil

4 cups water

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

Wash and drain rice. Saute garlic and onion (if desired) in olive oil over medium-low heat, being careful not to burn garlic. Add rice and stir; saute 2-3 more minutes so that it dries off a bit. Add water and salt; set timer for 20 minutes. Taste water; it should be pleasantly salty, like broth. Bring to boil and cook uncovered until water reaches level of top of rice. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook until timer goes off, about 10 more minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, until rest of the meal is ready.