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    St. Squiggle's divorce

    1 glass Coca Cola 2 drops Jolt Cola Just pour the glass 9/10's Coca-Cola, and add 1/10 Jolt Cola, and guzzle.
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    Peach 200 #2

    23 oz Peach Vodka Koskenkorva n/a Cola Poor the Koskenkorva Peach in a glas, fill up with Coca-Cola and stir. To be served cold, but without ice.
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    4 cl. Pernod 4 cl. Creme de Banana Mix together and serve on-the-rocks. You may also add some Coca-Cola if it gets too hard to swallow.
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    En Sånn En #2

    4 cl Absolut Vodka 4 cl Sour Mix n/a Cola 1/2 Ice Fill longdrinks glas with ice-cubes, add vodka and sour-mix. Top with Coca-Cola, stir.
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    1 shot Amaretto 8-12 oz. Cola Fill tall glass with ice. Pour Coca-Cola into glass. Add amaretto and stir. Drink with straw.
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    All American

    1 oz. Bourbon 1 oz. Southern Comfort 2 oz. Cola Serve with two ice-cubes. You can vary the amount of Coca-Cola, all after how soft you want the drink to be.
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    351 Special #1

    2 splashes Beer 1 part Cola 1 part Gin Pour Gin and beer into a coffee cup or a glass. Add Coca-Cola until it acquires the right taste.