
  1. W

    Can you test for fertility while on birth control pills?

    I saw that First Response has an at-home fertility test. I've been on birth control pills since I was 18 (now 24, started them for problem with my period) and I've always been concerned about my fertility. My husband and I want to start a family in the next few years and I'd like to know ahead...
  2. W

    is fertility the same on birth control as off birth control?

    My boyfriend does not like using a condom while having sex. On the other hand, I am paranoid about having sex without a condom. My question is, to make both of us happy, is fertility the same while you are on birth control? Are my chances of getting pregnant low shortly after and shortly before...
  3. W

    Can taking birth control pills cause fertility problems?

    I take birth control continuously because I have heavy and debilitating menstrual cycles. I take seasonique and I haven't had a period in a year and a half.Will this cause me fertility problems????Also, are there serious side effects?
  4. W

    How did the birth control Lunelle effect your fertility?

    I have been off the birth control shot Lunelle since May 10th because I want to get pregnant. (I had been on it four about 4 years.) However, I still haven't gotten my fertility back yet. I say this because I still haven't gotten a period and I'm not pregnant. I know it's only been 2 months...
  5. M

    What are the differences in pregnancy symptoms on and off birthcontrol?

    If your on birthcontrol , and say you do happen to get pregnant...would the pregnancy symptoms you experience off birth control be the same if you were ON birthcontrol?
  6. What are the chances of pregnancy during ones period while taking birth control?

    If on birth control, and it's the last few days of menstruation, what is the likely hood of pregnancy?