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    Can being on birth control for a while effect fertility in the long run?

    I've been on it for about 4 years, and my friend told me that it could effect fertility.
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    Can steroid shots effect a mans fertility?

    My husband had gotten some kind of rash on his feet and hands, and the doctor gave him steroid shots. Will this effect his fertility?
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    What is involved in donanting my eggs for fertility?

    I would like to know how my eggs will be used (fertility, research, etc) and how it will effect my own fertilty. I am considering donation but have not yet made a desicion.
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    Royal dean

    1 oz. Curacao dash Grenadine shaken, not stirred. (flip into second shooter glass for best effect)
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    Joe Hazelwood

    1/2 oz. Jagermeister 1/2 oz. Rumplemintz Layer in a shot glass.***Tim's comment: all ingredients must be kept in the freezer to accomplish the full effect!
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    Dirty Tampon

    3 Parts Vodka 1 Part Grenadine Mix on the rocks in a tumbler and garnish with a string for full effect.