
  1. P

    How long does it take chickenpox's to go away?

    I mean the spots. Cause my face is covered and it looks gross. Some have already started to scab over but how long until they disappear?Ummm how many weeks?
  2. S

    I got chickenpox and I was wondering if i will be getting scars after the scabs fall off?

    I got chickenpox 6 days ago and my blisters are starting to dry and crust. I have big scabs and small ones. I want to know when they will fall off and will the bigger ones take more time? what happens if i used creme to speed the healing? and will i get scars after the scabs fall off? please...
  3. E

    Toro bravo

    2 oz Kahlua 2 oz Tequila 2 oz Vodka Pour into a highball glass and watch you fall down.
  4. E


    1/2 pint Beer 25 cl. Southern Comfort 25 cl. Jack Daniels Mix. Drink. Repeat. Fall over.