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    Does anyone use fertility monitors as a birth control method?

    I've been on the pill for the past nine months and I can honestly say the my mood swings are overwhelming and my sex drive minimal. I'm on low estrogen Lutera, but regardless I still have these side effects. I heard that fertility monitors can best a good alternative.
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    Can being on birth control for a while effect fertility in the long run?

    I've been on it for about 4 years, and my friend told me that it could effect fertility.
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    Can taking birth control pills cause fertility problems?

    I take birth control continuously because I have heavy and debilitating menstrual cycles. I take seasonique and I haven't had a period in a year and a half.Will this cause me fertility problems????Also, are there serious side effects?
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    Can a guy get his fertility checked before having kids?

    My boyfriend is worried because he found a lump in his right testicle. He went and got it checked and but the doctor didn't feel it. His aunt can't have kids and we don't know why but I'm just wondering if we can get his fertility checked to ease his mind.
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    Can steroid shots effect a mans fertility?

    My husband had gotten some kind of rash on his feet and hands, and the doctor gave him steroid shots. Will this effect his fertility?
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    Can a vitamin d deficiency affect fertility?

    My husband and I have been trying to have another baby for over a year, we even tried fertility treatment but nothing worked and no one could seem to figure out why we were not conceiving. We did know that my progesterone was low but that was it. Even a RX for that didn't work. After giving up...
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    Would the first response fertility test be able to tell me if my tubes have come untied?

    I have my tubes tied about a year ago, I'm 25. I have a suspicion that they may no longer be so I was wondering if a fertility test might be able to give me some idea.
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    Does anyone know if there is a health insurance that covers fertility?

    I have health coverage through my workplace, but they do not cover my treatments or drugs related to fertility. LAst year alone me and my husband spent close to $4,000.00. We would like to try again this year but money is tight, so if anyone knows a insurance that is affordable and cover...
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    What is the proper name for a fertility specialist?

    I would like to goto school to be a fertility specialist and help people get pregnant and stuff like that except im not really sure what its called and i need to know that in order to look it up and find a school! thank you :-)
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    Can taking the Pill irregularly affect fertility?

    I'm terrible at taking The Pill.I'm at student halls in uni and hate having periods here so I went for 4-5months continous (no 3 weeks on 1 week off, just constantly taking it) and even then i usually miss 1 or 2 a week.I'm not using it as contreceptive, so i'm not asking about effectiveness for...
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    How do I increase my fertility without a prescription?

    Over the counter fertility aids that work.
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    Are women having more fertility problems and why?

    Due to fertility drugs and new technology (IVF) it seems women are having more multiples. However, why is it that with health care increasing in general and with people supposedly living longer and healthier lives than in the past, that women seem to be having more fertility problems? Or is that...
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    What happen if an undescended testis is not treated until the age 30 or above? Does it affect fertility?

    Male suppose to have testis and what happen in a condition of undescended testis? Does it affect fertility and bringing other health problems? Can this undescended testis still be treated when the male reach the age of 30 and above? And what is the chance of recovering after treatment for adult...
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    What affect does Avastin have on male fertility?

    My husband has been on Avastin for 7 months now. He is 24 years old. Does anyone know how Avastin affects fertility? Has anyone/couple had personal experience with becoming pregnant while on Avastin? Did the Avastin affect the baby? If so, how?
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    What is the best over the counter fertility drug?

    My husband and I are trying to get pregnant before he leave for Iraq in 30 days, what is the best over the counter fertility drugs for females?
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    Where can i find information on the income of fertility doctors?

    also if you can help and tel me how much does the highest paid fertility doctor make?
  17. W

    What is involved in donanting my eggs for fertility?

    I would like to know how my eggs will be used (fertility, research, etc) and how it will effect my own fertilty. I am considering donation but have not yet made a desicion.
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    How do women determine their general fertility?

    I have read that some women are more fertile than others. Besides actually becoming pregnant, is there some way to determine one's own general fertility (I am not referring to fertility in specific stages of the cycle)? Is there a test? My husband and I are on "the Pill" (and we will not be...
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    What books are there on fertility awareness?

    I've been looking into various birth control methods, and fertility awareness seemed very interesting. I feel a little iffy relying on the internet for this sort of information, so I want to find a good book on the subject. Please recommend as many as possible.This isn't going to help anyone...
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    What are the best and worst days of fertility during the menstrual cycle?

    Relationship of positive and negative effects between fertility and the menstrual cycle.