
  1. Iced Coffee

    Prepare medium coffee (2 level tbsp. ground coffee to 3/4 cup water); cool. Pour into divided freezer trays; freeze. To serve, pour freshly brewed coffee over coffee cubes in tall glass.
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    Kahlua Freeze

    fill Cream 2 oz Kahlua 2 scoops Ice Cream ice \ frozen
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    Dorkal Punch

    4.0 Bourbon 2.0 Egg Mix all ingredients together freeze till slushey
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    Blue Freeze

    fill Cream 2 oz Blue Curacao 2 scoops Ice Cream ice \ frozen
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    Granite Grapefruit and Vermouth

    grapefruit juice sirop vermouth campari =Assemble, freeze, scrape
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    Pineapple Sherbert

    1 Pineapple 1 cup Water 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice 4 tablespoon Sugar Slice pineapple in half, lengthwise. Remove pulp and place in saucepan with the remaining ingredients. Cook 5 minutes. Blend in food processor until smooth. Freeze until firm. Remove from freezer, beat until frothy, place...