
  1. K

    How long do you have to wait to conceive after a miscarriage?

    How long do you have to wait after having a miscarriage and what are the chances of it happening again. Have any of you had a miscarriage and immediately tried again? What happened and was it successful
  2. B

    How long after taking misoprostol(because of an incomplete miscarriage) can you start to ttc again?

    I just had a missed miscarriage, then I finally had the miscarriage but the ultrasound detected that not everything had come out. So now I have to take misoprostol. How long will it take for it to come out of my system so I can safely try to conceive again?
  3. M

    How Soon after you have a Miscarriage is it safe to get pregnant again?

    After you've had a miscarriage, how long do you have to wait tilll you can try again?
  4. S

    How long does a natural miscarriage take to start?

    I've heard many stories of women who were pregnant, didn't even realise it, taking a pregnancy test coming up negative, then having an ultrasound showing a pregnancy that stopped growing a long time ago whether it be a month two or more. Does anyone else have experience with this type of...
  5. M

    How long after starting Ortho Cyclen is it able to prevent pregnancy?

    Once starting Ortho Cyclen, how long after taking it correctly would I be protected against pregnancy? I have heard 7 days, a month, three months. I know its not 100% but its close when taking it correctly and I was just curious how long I need to be on it to be as close as possible.
  6. M

    How far along does a pregnancy have to be before it causes pain if it is a tubular pregnancy?

    I have a history of ovarian cysts (PCOS), but I also have the Mirena. I don't want to start freaking out, but I'm not sure how long to wait to see a doctor as I don't have health insurance. And NO- I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet, so don't ask!
  7. M

    What type of doctor takes care of ectopic pregnancy? How long does the surgery take and recovery?

    Which doctor do you go to take care of an ectopic pregnancy? Gyncologist or regular doctor? What type of surgery is it? How long does surgery take? Is it in a hospital or somewhere else? How long does it take to recover? Is it impossible to get pregnant afterwards?
  8. P

    How long does it take chickenpox's to go away?

    I mean the spots. Cause my face is covered and it looks gross. Some have already started to scab over but how long until they disappear?Ummm how many weeks?
  9. A

    How long should a 20 minute tv show script be?

    I was just wondering how long a script should be for a TV show that's about 20 minutes long. I was thinking about not doing a script and making the dialogue using "improv." But I want to figure out how long a 20 minute show's script should be to find out if I’m making a whole script or using...
  10. H

    How long do I have to wait to get my second Varicella (chickenpox) vaccination?

    I need to get two Varicella vaccinations to apply to the nursing program, and I was wondering how long do I have to wait to get my second shot after my first one? I haven't gotten my first one yet.
  11. P

    My roommate had shingles a month ago and I've never had the chickenpox, how long should I stay away from hi?

    I am 25 years old and I've never had the chickenpox. My roommate came down with shingles a little under a month ago and I've stayed away since. He says it went away and he hasn't had an outbreak in a few weeks but I'm still scared to go home and be anywhere near him. How long should I stay away...
  12. E

    Vampire guardian

    1 splash Grenadine 3 oz Gatorade 1.25 oz Gin Something to help the guardian through those long summer days.
  13. E

    Sangria - the world's best

    1.5 liter Cabernet Sauvignon 1 cup Sugar 3 - 4 oz Brandy 1 large Lemon sliced 1 large Orange sliced 1 large (cut into thin...
  14. E


    4.75 oz. Pineapple Juice 0.68 oz. Green Creme de Menthe pour all in Long drink glass over ice
  15. E

    Master p

    1.0 oz. Beer 1.0 bottle Scotch 1.0 piece Tang Mix all three together and enjoy for as long as possible.
  16. E

    Long vodka

    5 cl. Vodka 1/2 Lime 4 dashes Angostura Bitters 1 Tonic Water 4 Ice Shake a tall glass with ice cubes and Angostura, coating the inside of the glass. Pour the vodka onto this, add 1 slice of lime and squeeze juice out of...
  17. E

    Lemon Flip #1

    1.0 Egg 4.0 cl. Lemon Juice 2.0 tsp Simple Syrup Shake very well and strain into a long drink glass. Serve with a drinking straw.
  18. E

    Irish Cooler

    2 oz. Scotch 1 can Soda n/a Lemon Build and top with 6 oz Soda and a long lemon peel spiral
  19. E

    Cowboy Long Drink

    16.0 cl Ginger Ale 4.0 cl Southern Comfort Mix the ingredients direct in a long drink glass and put in some ice. Perfect for a hot sunny day.
  20. E

    Century's Jose Corona #1

    16.0 oz Beer 1.0 wedge Lime 2.0 shots Tequila Pour 2 shots of Cuervo Especial into a chilled mug (around 20 oz.) and 1 cooled long neck Corona along with a quarter lime or a dash of lime juice. Swizzle and enjoy!