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    Sweet mary

    1/2 Ice n/a Lemonade 1/2 oz. Gin 1.5 oz. Creme de Banana n/a Creme de Cassis Fill up with Lemonade.
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    Sunny d screwdriver #1

    1 Fifth Stolichnaya Ohranj Vodka 2 l. Sunny Delight n/a 7-UP Pour together and serve cold.
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    Summer passion

    1 1/2 oz. Beer n/a Sparkling Water n/a Lime Juice Add ice cubes to a highball glass, pour in LaGrande Passion and fill with cold Perrier. Squeeze juice of a quartered lime or slice of lemon into glass and stir gently.
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    Suddenly daylight

    n/a Iced Tea n/a Triple Sec n/a Sweet & Sour Mix Pour Iced Tea in glass first, then top with the Sweet and Sour, and then add Triple Sec to taste. Stir once and serve.
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    Strawberry cordial

    16 oz. Sugar 1 Gal. Brandy dash Cinnamon 1 Peck Strawberries n/a Cardamon n/a Cloves Slice and simmer half the strawberries in a saucepan with just enough water to cover them, plus a few pinches of assorted spices. Strain the...
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    Stars and stripes no. 2

    n/a Green Chartreuse n/a Maraschino Liqueur n/a Creme de Cassis Layer ingredients in the order given in a pony glass, one on top of the other.
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    Stars and stripes no. 1

    dash Grenadine n/a Maraschino Liqueur n/a Marie Brissard Parfait Amour Layer ingredients, in the order given, one on top of the other in a pony glass.
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    St. Moritz pousse-café

    n/a Raspberry Syrup n/a Anisette n/a Marie Brissard Parfait Amour n/a Yellow Chartreuse n/a Green Chartreuse n/a Curacao n/a Cognac Layer ingredients in the order given, one on top of the other in...
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    Spring rose

    0.8 oz. Vodka 0.4 oz. Cream 0.4 oz. Campari n/a Pastis n/a Tonic Water 0.4 oz. Creme de Banana Add one dash of Pastis. Fill up with Tonic water.
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    1 - 2 oz Vodka n/a Gin n/a Tequila A little Lime Juice just pour the alcoholic ingridents in a shot glas and when you done that squeze a little amount of lime juice on top
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    Southern banana #2

    1 shot Southern Comfort n/a Cream 1 shot Banana Liqueur n/a Coca Cola In a tall glass, mix the Southern Comfort, banana liquor, cream to taste, and fill the rest with Coke., Submitted by Ldy o LaPb via America Online
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    Sour strawberry

    n/a Scotch n/a Sweet & Sour Mix n/a Strawberry Liqueur Shake ingredients, pour over crushed ice, sugar rim glass and serve
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    Smooth sipping southern water

    1 Fresh Watermelon 1 - 2 oz Vodka n/a Gin n/a Light Rum n/a Jose Cuervo Tequila n/a Triple Sec n/a Sweet & Sour Mix Go to the freshest roadside vendor of watermelons and get one. Cut out a small oval in the top...
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    Ski slope

    1 oz. Vodka 1 oz. Amaretto 1 oz. Jack Daniels 1 oz. Southern Comfort 2 oz Sloe Gin n/a Sour Mix n/a 7-UP Mix in any order, serve in glass with ice.
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    n/a Kahlua dash Grenadine n/a Grand Marnier 10/14/00 12:06PM (cst)
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    Screwdriver with color

    1 - 2 oz Vodka 2 - 4 oz Orange Juice n/a Kahlua 1/2 Ice 1 - 2 oz Vodka 2 - 4 oz Orange Juice n/a Kahlua 1/2 Ice
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    Savoy pousse-café

    n/a Creme de Cacao n/a Benedictine n/a Cognac Layer ingredients, one on the other in a pony or Pousse-Café glass.
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    Satin sheets #1

    3/4 oz. Brandy 1/2 Ice 3/4 oz. Bacardi Light Rum n/a Triple Sec n/a Lime Juice Add a splash of BOLS Triple Sec Curacao and of Lime juice. Shake with ice and strain.
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    Rattlesnake shot

    n/a Yukon Jack n/a Cherry Brandy n/a Sweet & Sour Mix Since this is basically a shot drink, mix to your own taste
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    1.6 oz. Vodka 0.2 oz. Triple Sec 0.2 oz. Bols Blue n/a Sparkling Wine Fill up with Sparkling Wine.