
  1. E

    Screwdriver (original)

    1 1/2 oz Vodka 2 - 4 oz Orange Juice 1 Orange Rind Pour vodka into glass, top up with orange juice and garnish with orange rind.
  2. E

    Orange liqueur

    3.0 cups Brandy 1.0 cup Honey 3.0 medium Orange Cut orange rind into 2x1/4-inch strips. Reserve orange pulp for other uses. Combine brandy and orange rind in a jar. Cover tightly, and let stand at room temperature 3 weeks. Remove orange rind; stir in honey. Let stand 3 days...
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    Linux #2

    1 1/3 Oz. Finlandia Vodka 1/2 Juice of Lime Juice Fill Cola add the lime rind add a straw for networking mix over ice
  4. E

    Linux #1

    1.333 oz. Vodka 0.5 Juice of Lime Juice fill Coca Cola Add the lime rind add a straw for networking mix over ice