
  1. M

    How long after tubal pregnancy can I have sex?

    I recently had a laparotomy on September 29 to remove a tubal pregnancy as well as my fallopian tube. As far as I know, there was nothing done to my vaginal or uterine areas nor my cervix dilated. It has now been 12 days since the laparotomy and just wondering when I can have sex...hoping soon...
  2. W

    Can having too much sex at a young age cause fertility problems?

    I am 17 and live with my partner and we have sex basically every day, without condoms cause I am on the pill, I've heard having lots of sex when your young can cause fertility problems when older is this true?
  3. M

    What are the odds of pregnancy while on period?

    I had sex on my period. I take a BC pill every night, but I started my new pack a day early and had sex the next day. There was only pre-***, not a full-blown ejaculation. I realize there is always a chance for pregnancy, but I was wondering if anyone could give me a estimate or a likely...
  4. W

    How do I decrease my libido without decreasing fertility?

    I've been having some trouble with too much of an urge for sex and it affects my life and relationship. Even without an erection I sometimes get such a powerful urge to have sex. I'm hoping there's a way that I can decrease my libido whether with herbs ore just recommendations, but as I'm trying...