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    3 Mile Long Island Iced Tea

    .5 oz Gin .5 oz Light Rum .5 oz Tequila .5 oz Triple Sec .5 oz Vodka 4 oz Cola 2 oz Sweet & Sour Mix Dash Bitters Slice of Lemon Fill 14 oz...
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    Gin Flip

    1 1/2 oz. Gin 1 tbsp. Sugar 1 beaten Egg Shake well with cracked ice and strain into sour glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.
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    Brandy Flip

    1 1/2 oz. Brandy 1 tbsp. Sugar 1 beaten Egg Shake well with cracked ice and strain into sour glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.
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    Bourbon Sour

    1 1/2 oz. Bourbon 3 oz. Sour Mix Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into sour glass. Add ice and garnish with cherry and orange slice.
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    Popeye's Biscuits

    4 cup Pioneer biscuit mix 8 oz Sour cream 6 oz 7-up Cut sour cream in biscuit mix, add 7-up. Roll on floured surface. Cut or shape with hands . Bake 6 -8 mins at 400 deg.
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    Sour Cream Biscuits

    4 c Flour 4 ts Baking powder 1 ts Salt 1 c Sour cream 1 1/2 c Milk - sour 1 ts Soda Mix all ingredients, bake in moderate oven about 10 or 20 minutes. Notes: Exact temperature not given. Moderate is 350 - 400 F
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    Sour Cream Cheesecake

    16oz. cream cheese 16oz. sour cream - 4 yolks - 4Tbsp cornstarch 6oz. sugar 1tsp van. 1tsp extr. lemon - 4 whites 2oz. sugar =blanche 1., add 2., then 3., then 4., meringué. 375F ~20-30mns, do not brown
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    Sour Cream Muffins

    1 Stick butter 2 c Bisquick 1 c Sour cream 6 servings Melt butter and add to sour cream and Bisquick. Pour in greased muffin tins. Bake 10-15 minutes until golden brown in preheated 425 oven.
  9. E

    Mock Devonshire Cream

    1 c whipping cream 1 1/2 c sour cream 3 tb powdered sugar 1 servings Beat sour cream until smooth; set aside. In a chilled bowl with chilled beaters, whip cream until soft peaks form. Continue whipping and add sugar one tablespoon at a time. Gently fold in sour cream and blend...
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    Cottage Cheese

    1 qt Milk, sour 1 x Water 1 x Cream 1 x *or: 1 x Sour cream 1 servings Pour one quart of sour milk heated to lukewarm into a cheesecloth bag. Pour one quart of warm water over this, and after this has drained through, repeat twice. Tie bag and let drip until the "whey is all." Serve with...
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    Eggs Baked in Sour Cream

    1¾ cup Sour Cream ½ cup Bread Crumbs, Dry 4 tablespoon Butter 6 Eggs Parmesan Cheese, Grated In shallow casserole put half the crumbs, 1 1/2 c sour cream, and half the butter. Slide raw eggs into this. Cover with remainder of ingredients and sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan cheese...
  12. Chef

    Vodka Sour

    Notes: Best kind of glass for this drink: Sour. 2 ounces Vodka Juice of 1/2 Lime 1/2 teaspoon Powdered Sugar Servings: 1 In a sour glass, combine ingredients. Stir well. Add ice and stir or serve straight.
  13. Chef

    Rum Sour

    Notes: Best kind of glass for this drink: Sour. 2 ounces Rum 1 ounce Lemon Juice 1 teaspoon Superfine Sugar Maraschino Cherry Servings: 1 Using a shaker filled with ice, combine all ingredients. Shake well. Pour into a sour glass. Add ice, stir. Garnish with cherry.
  14. Chef

    Gin Sour

    Notes: Best kind of glass for this drink: Sour. 2 ounces Gin 1 ounce Lemon Juice 1 teaspoon Superfine Sugar Maraschino Cherry Servings: 1 Using a shaker filled with ice, combine all ingredients. Shake well. Pour into a sour glass. Add ice, stir. Garnish with cherry.
  15. Chef

    Gin and Fresca

    Notes: Best kind of glass for this drink: Sour. 1 ounce Gin 1 ounce Fresca Servings: 1 In a sour glass, combine ingredients. Stir well. Add ice and stir or serve straight.
  16. Chef

    Bourbon Sour

    Notes: Best kind of glass for this drink: Sour. 2 ounces Bourbon 1 ounce Lemon Juice 1 teaspoon Superfine Sugar Maraschino Cherry Servings: 1 Using a shaker filled with ice, combine all ingredients. Shake well. Pour into a sour glass. Add ice, stir. Garnish with cherry.
  17. Chef

    Amaretto Sour

    Notes: Best kind of glass for this drink: Sour. 1 1/2 ounce Amaretto 3 ounces Sour Mix Cherry Orange Slice Servings: 1 In a sour glass, combine ingredients. Stir well. Add ice and stir or serve straight, garnish with cherry and orange slice.
  18. Chef

    Roquefort Vinaigrette

    Roquefort Vinaigrette 2 to 3 ounces roquefort cheese 6 tbsp. olive oil 2 tbsp. sour cream 4 tsp. sherry vinegar Salt Combine cheese, sour cream, and vinegar in a blender. Stir in olive oil and add salt.
  19. Chef

    Sour Cream Dressing

    Sour Cream Dressing 1/2 c. sour cream 1 tsp. dill weed 1 tbsp. cider vinegar 1 tsp. sugar Salt and pepper Stir together.