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    The moby

    4 oz. Vodka 8 oz. Surge pour surge then vodka, enjoy!
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    The lindy

    12 oz Surge 2 shots Jagermeister Put the 2 shots of jaigermister in the bottom of a tall beer mug and pour in the surge.
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    Sweet mud

    4 oz. Vodka 1 1/2 oz. Rum n/a Pink Lemonade n/a Surge Mix on the rocks and stir.
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    1 oz. Malibu Coconut Rum 8 oz. Surge Mix and drink.
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    Inigo Montoya

    1 oz. Bacardi Light Rum n/a Sangria n/a Surge Pour the Bacardi in a highball glass, fill halfway with San Gria, finish with Surge. Can be served with or without ice.
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    Ethnic Sugar #2

    5 oz Cointreau 4 oz Cola 2 oz Tequila 1 tsp Kool-aid n/a Surge 1/2 Ice Mix all ingrediants together except for the Surge and stir. Fill the rest up with Surge and enjoy.
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    Ethnic Sugar #1

    5 oz. Cointreau 2 oz. Jose Cuervo Tequila 1 tsp. Kool-aid 4 oz. Coca Cola Mix all ingredients together except for the Surge and stir. Fill the rest up with Surge and enjoy.
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    Doc Holiday

    2 - 4 oz Orange Juice n/a Sugar 2 oz. Whiskey 12 oz. Surge Mix ingredients in a large glass.
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    Cold Green Slime

    2 oz. Vodka 1 tsp. Sugar 1 can Surge Combine Surge and Vodka, then stir in Sugar. Be careful when adding Sugar, because it causes a lot of fizz. Serve chilled for best taste. Enjoy!
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    Bob Dylan #2

    4 oz. Jagermeister 16 oz. Ice 12 oz. Surge Combine all ingredients in a blender, mix until smooth. Be careful surge is carbonated, it will foam up. Enjoy!!!!
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    Bloody Twat

    1 oz. Vodka splash Surge Pour Vodka into a shot glass and add Surge, slam on table and drink.
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    Bea Arthur's Underpants

    2 oz. Vodka dash Honey 1 can Pink Lemonade 10 oz. Surge Stir in a glass and chug.
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    Absolut Surge #1

    1.0 oz Surge 1.0 oz Absolut Vodka This is just like any soda/liquor drink. Make it as strong or weak as desired. The taste of the Surge and the Vodka mixes really well. You should be surprised.