Families First Funeral Home & Tribute Centre (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Breaking The Law And Endangering Lives For Their Own Benefit

Doing My Part

New member
Written below is an excerpt from an article written on another forum. It is recommended as a must read. It has very useful information that most people may or may not already know. I insist you remove your ignorance and read the entire article.

Here's the source: Families First Funeral Home & Tribute Centre - Breaking The Law And Endangering Lives For Their Own Benefit: Other company's / things that suck!; Families First thinks they are above the law and can disobey the rules of the ...

It's interesting how these corporations/companies think they can get away with stuff because they falsely assume that people just "understand". It's not understanding that's happening, it's the fact that most people don't want to get into an accident so it seems like it's ok and they get away with it. I urge you to read the article, and to spread the word. I'm sure they're not the only funeral home doing this. Call your local police and confirm the rules for your area. Together, we can stop companies from taking advantage of the public.