'health' questions =)?


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hi! alright so i have to answers some questions for health class, and i need help with some of them:1. why is it important for pregnant women to get prenatal care?2. what is the greatest source of air pollution in the U.S.?3. define and briefly describe what the following federal agencies are responsible for:-environmental protection agency (EPA)-centers for disease control (CDC)-food and drug administration (FDA)-occupational safety and health administration (OHSA)4. What are some harmful effects of long-term exposure to environmental toxins?*If you have the answer to even just one of these questions please lemme know! thank youuu!
1. A fetus needs certain vitamins and minerals to develop properly.2. The automobile.3. EPA stop pollution of the environment.CDC investigate and determine if the public health is endangered by a disease or pandemic outbreak.FDA ensure that the drugs we take are pure and effective. Regulate drug manufacturers.OHSA keeps workers safe from dangerous workplace environments and practices.4. Cancer. Lung disease. Blood disorders (leukemia)