

3 tbsp. shortening
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg
3/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. nutmeg
4 tsp. baking powder
3 cups flour
2/3 cup milk

Sift dry ingredients.
Cream shortening with 1/2 the sugar.
Beat the egg until light; add remaining sugar.
Combine butter and egg mixtures.
Add dry ingredients alternately with milk to make a dough that is soft but not sticky.
Cover the bowl and chill 1 hour before rolling.
Dust board generously with flour.
Press or roll the dough to 1/4" thickness.
Dip cutter in flour before cutting the dough.
Cut & fry.
(The flavor of the donut mixture may be varied by adding cocoa syrup, melted unsweetened chocolate, coconut, spices, grated lemon or orange rind.

*This recipe can be made with 2 eggs or 3 eggs. For 2 eggs, reduce milk to 1/2 cup and baking powder to 3 tsp. For 3 eggs, increase shortening to 1/3 cup; use 5 tbsp. milk and 2 1/2 tsp. baking powder.