Can being on birth control for a while effect fertility in the long run?


New member
I have been on the Pill for almost 12 years.. never has my doctor told me that my fertility will be affected. Sometimes when girls get off the pill some of them do have trouble conceiving (but not for long) but its nothing really to be worried about If you are worried speak to your doctor


New member
It can take a little while after you get off the pills for your system to settle out and be ready to get pregnant. If you're really concerned, talk to your doctor about which kinds of birth control are most effective with the least after-effect if you want to get pregnant.


New member
No. Your friend is misinformed.Although, if you were having problems with fertility before you were on the pill, it may go back to that when you are off of the pill.Many women after long-time use on the pill are fertile and do have kids.I was on the pill for fourteen years and started ovulating a month after I was off of it right on schedule.