Is it possible to increase my lifting strength in 6-7 weeks?

LaDy In ReD

New member
I want to enter in a weight lifting competition but I haven't lifted weights in a while. I am not really out of shape but at the same token, I am not as strong as I use to be. I don't expect dramatic results,but I wouldn't mind increasing my bench press, seated shoulder press, and Squat. Here is the link to the rules- someone could give me a run-down of the food(diet) to eat, safety tips, and work-out tips then I would appreciate it. Thanks.


New member
You can expect some amount of gains in 6 or 7 weeks.Start your first weak light to condition your body to exercise, and increase the intensity from there.As far as diet is concerned, you're not competing as a bodybuilder, so macronutriets aren't as important. Go for the 40:40:20 ratio of protein, carbs and fat, and just eat heaps to sustain your body.Safety? Don't drop the bar on your head. lolDo lots of core exercises, and use a weight belt if you need to.