What vitamins and minerals do your eyes need to have good health and see clearly?


New member
Any good diet that is good for your body is also good for the health of the eyes...they are part of your body.Your body can only use so many vitamins...The general health of the eyes has nothing to do with being nearsighted though.Being nearsighted isn't something to be " cured" either...it isn't a disease or sickness.No vitamins or foods are going to reverse nearsightedness...it isn't caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency.


New member
go to to here http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Al5dNgzM5Rn742QxxRBdAGnh5gt.;_ylv=3?qid=20081121071549AAHBc40&show=7#profile-info-PpqsB1THaa go to the question i answered.vitamin is not all the factor, but it is a factor lacking in it will cause problems, and serious lack will cause vision problems,but taking vitamin often will not harm you and even improve your overall health, but don't take to much vitamin A, or anything that cause is toxic affect when overdose, read the label and search up all the ingredient. but habit in our major cause in western country, kale, or spinach, bilberry, (lutein 6mg - 20mg) eat a lot of fruit and vegetable, stop eating rubbish, http://health.nutralife.co.nz/Product.aspx?id=1076 here's the websites - http://www.cleareyesight.infoor if you want to spend money use eyerelax, eyepower from japan, eye exercise device from china or accommotrac - http://www.accommotrac.com/ - http://www.roffereyecare.com/http://www.eyecollege.com/http://www.central-fixation.comhttp://web.singnet.com.sg/~hanwen/nvifaq.htmgood luck and wish all the best