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Pasta and pesto! Pasta is good. Everybody likes it. And pesto! It is a wonderful sauce. I have to admit that basil is, maybe, my favourite herb. We will make our own pesto. It is not difficult.


½ package spaghetti
Some drops of extra virgin olive oil for the pasta
Some salt to cook the pasta
Enough water to cook the pasta
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
½ cup chopped fresh basil leaves
1 tablespoon pine nuts
Some salt for the pesto
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil for the pesto
¼ cup parmesan cheese

I guess you know how to prepare pasta. So I will not say much about it. Heat some water. Bring it to a boil. Add some salt and oil. And add the pasta, of course. Have the pasta boiling for the minutes the package says and once it is ready, drain it and reserve.
Now we will prepare our pesto. It is good to do it in a mortar. We will mix the garlic, the basil leaves, the salt, the black pepper, the cheese and some of the olive oil. If you want, you can add some parmigiano reggiano or pecorino cheese as well. We will work on it for a while and then we will add half the pine nuts. We will mix it and finally we will add the rest of the olive oil and pine nuts. Now, just a gentle mixing, try it and fix it according to your taste.And now we just have to mix the pesto sauce with the pasta. We will put everything in a pan, mix it and heat it for a while. A drop of olive oil will not do any harm. And just enjoy!